classic rockphil collinsgenesisprofessor of rock
22:22 Friday, 3 November 2023

Professor Of Rock has released the video below, along with the following introduction...
"So how much is too much of a good thing? Well, today’s artist Phil Collins may epitomize the answer. This radio titan got off to a strong start in the 70s, was pretty much everywhere in the 80s, and barely slowed down for the 90s. He took over an established band in the 70s in Genesis, then in the 80s he doubled his output by kicking off an unrelenting solo career. Beyond that, he also tried his hand at producing and collaborating with many legends... which brings us to today’s track: a so-called side-project that became a surprise duet when the Phillip Bailey of Earth Wind & Fire, whom he was producing suggested they write one together. It came quickly and they created a rough demo... except when they came back the next day to record it, they realized the demo was perfect so they released it. The story of one of the catchiest songs of 1985 is next, on Professor Of Rock."