SEASON OF GHOSTS Guitarist ZOMBIE SAM's Horror Synth Project PHANTASMAGORE Releases "Those Damned Eyes" Single | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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SEASON OF GHOSTS Guitarist ZOMBIE SAM's Horror Synth Project PHANTASMAGORE Releases "Those Damned Eyes" Single

season of ghostszombie samphantasmagoreheavy metal
13:52 Wednesday, 1 November 2023
SEASON OF GHOSTS Guitarist ZOMBIE SAM's Horror Synth Project PHANTASMAGORE Releases "Those Damned Eyes" Single

Season Of Ghosts guitarist / composer Zombie Sam recently launched his new horror band, PhantasmaGore.

The project is based on a core value: Music Meets Art. Each release is connected to artwork, and each piece of artwork is connected to a horror story. PhantasmaGore's second single, "Those Damned Eyes", will be released on October 31st. It is available for pre-save here.

The second PhantasmaGore single, "Those Damned Eyes", is now available via Distrokid and can be streamed below.

The Story: "Low-borne clouds move endlessly across skies of muted grey, here closer to black, there barely a moment upon on the wind, as darkness closes in… Night’s kiss, Day’s riposte. Or was it the other way around?

And those damned eyes...

I found a place, once. A place that told me not to be afraid. With lucid colours and endless promise, it pulled a rich mantle over my shoulders and made real of my desires.

And who knows how long I spent there, that first inimitable night? Wind through the trees, and the embrace of a thousand leaves, was a pure tonic for my broken, fragile mind.

And so I stayed there, dark as it was, oblivious to the denizens that leered at me, with faces best kept hidden. But there was always something watching."

Read more here.

PhantasmaGore's official website can be found here.
