heavy metalavatar
20:24 Tuesday, 31 October 2023

The heavy metal 'n' roll, dark, madcap visionaries collectively known as Avatar - vocalist Johannes Eckerström, guitarists Jonas Jarlsby and Tim Öhrström, bassist Henrik Sandelin, and drummer John Alfredsson - are releasing a creepy cool collector's vinyl version of their latest album, Dance Devil Dance. Only 250 numbered and hand-crafted copies of the blood-filled "Afterbirth" vinyl will be produced.
The packaging will include an additional standard red opaque vinyl; a 2-pocket silver board gatefold vinyl with platinum Dance Devil Dance vinyl; 24-page photo book; and an autographed 5x7 post card.
The vinyl will be exclusive for purchase to Avatar Country Citizens starting tomorrow, October 31, at 12 PM, ET. Any remaining piecers be available for purchase for everyone on the band's website starting on Friday, November 3.
Watch the trailer below.
"Your first birth was on the house those are the cards you're forced to play," says Eckerström. "Until today. You can be reborn every single night. Evolve. We feed your ear through an umbilical cord. We are the placenta. Your mind rests inside a soft womb of sound. Then, there is light. Escape. Open your eyes. This is the first night of the rest of your life. We are still in you."

"Dance Devil Dance"
"Chimp Mosh Pit"
"Valley Of Disease"
"On The Beach"
"Do You Feel In Control"
"Gotta Wanna Riot"
"The Dirt I'm Buried In"
"Clouds Dipped In Chrome"
"Hazmat Suit"
"Violence No Matter What" (Feat. Lzzy Hale)
(Photo - Johan Carlén)