ayreonheavy metal
14:00 Thursday, 19 October 2023

Ayreon played live again in Tilburg, Holland at 013 on September 15th, 16th and 17th, 2023, performing the album 01011001 in full. Mastermind Arjen Lucassen has checked in with the following update:
"My dear Ayreonauts, now that I’ve finally caught my breath after the Ayreon live shows and the smoke has cleared, I want to send a huge and heartfelt thanks once again for your unwavering support! It's astounding that 15,000 of you from over 60 countries made the journey to see us. The whole Ayreon team and I totally recognize how special and unique this is. I know it’s a cliché, but truly, you are the best fans ever. You are what keeps me going.
To those who wanted to come to the shows but couldn't make it happen, we missed you! But there’s a silver lining - we’ve begun working on the live Blu-Ray and CD, and I can assure you, they're going to be fantastic. I’m brimming with pride for all the amazing musicians involved!
And yes, between you and me, we just might already be secretly scheming for..."
01011001 - Live Beneath The Waves featured the following performers:
Original 01011001 cast:
Hansi Kürsch
Tom Englund
Daniel Gildenlow
Jonas Renkse
Anneke van Giersbergen
Simone Simons
Marjan Welman
Liselotte Hegt
Maggy Luyten
Phideaux Xavier
Arjen Lucassen (yeah, sorry for that)
Special guests:
Damian Wilson
Brittney Slayes
Michael Mills
John Jaycee Cuijpers
Backing vocals:
Marcela Bovio
Irene Jansen
Jan Willem Ketelaers
Marcel Coenen - guitar
Timo Somers - guitar
Johan van Stratum - bass
Joost van den Broek - keys
Ed Warby - drums
Ben Mathot - violin
Jurriaan Westerveld - cello
Jeroen Goossens - woodwinds