FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - Fan-Filmed Video Of Entire Blood In The Water Tour 2023 Belgium Show Streaming | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - Fan-Filmed Video Of Entire Blood In The Water Tour 2023 Belgium Show Streaming

flotsam and jetsamheavy metal
13:07 Monday, 9 October 2023
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - Fan-Filmed Video Of Entire Blood In The Water Tour 2023 Belgium Show Streaming

Phoenix thrashers, Flotsam And Jetsam, recently wrapped up a string of dates in the Netherlands and Belgium, which comcluded with an appearance at Germany's Keep It True Rising III festival. Fan filmed video of their entire October 5th show at Hell in Diest, Belgium can be viewed below.

The setlist was as follows:

"Dreams Of Death"
"The Walls"
"Smoked Out"
"Prisoner Of Time"
"Cry For The Dead"
"She Took An Axe"
"Iron Maiden"
"Brace For Impact"
"Suffer The Masses"
"Demolition Man"
"I Live You Die"
"No Place For Disgrace"
"Doomsday For The Deceiver"

Flotsam And Jetsam recently cancelled ten shows covering parts of the eastern United States due to poor ticket sales.

In an official statement, the band said, “We had a logistical nightmare even trying to secure transportation and crew for this short run. There are so many great bands on the road right now that it’s making touring very difficult in what is a very saturated market. We had an important crew member bail on the tour at the last minute for undisclosed reasons, but the final straw was finding out that the ticket sales were poor. We definitely don’t want promoters to lose money booking our band, so we’ll reschedule at a time that makes more sense for them. We apologize to the fans that were planning on coming to see us on these dates and we hope to see you on tour soon."
