napalm death
18:16 Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Napalm Death bassist Shane Embury is planning on writing the follow-up to 2020's Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism sometime in 2024. According to Embury in an interview with Mammoth Metal TV, vocalist Barney Greenway wants to have some downtime after a winter 2024 tour, leaving Embury time to get new material together.
"The last record, we started it musically in two stages and then Barney took quite a few days to record his vocals, 'cause we were touring," said Embury. "This one, I think we do a tour in February, maybe. That might be happening. And after that, I think Barn wants to take some time off, which will give me the time to sort of put… I've got lots of ideas; [I just need] to piece it together. And hopefully go into the studio and just kind of experiment."
Fortunately there isn't a four-year gap between records, as Napalm Death released their EP Resentment Is Always Seismic – A Final Throw Of Throes in 2022. Resentment Is Always Seismic featured five new tracks, covers of "People Pie" by Slab! and "Don't Need It" by Bad Brains, as well as closer dubbed "Resentment Is Always Seismic (Dark Sky Burial Dirge)".
In a 2022 post, Embury noted that "no one will be prepared for the next Napalm Death album" alongside a few paragraphs about why genres are irrelevant. So who knows what Napalm Death will get up to next, but one thing's for certain – it'll probably be really fucking heavy.