15:28 Saturday, 30 September 2023

Noodles recently took to Twitter/X to ask his followers how they had chats with friends and family who were conspiracy theorists. He also wanted them to share their most and least favorite ones in the comments and added:
“Personally, I love Bigfoot, & some alien stuff. The rest all mostly suck a**.”
In response, a Twitter/X user wrote:
“I find them fascinating, not frustrating. I always want to know various versions, so long as they don’t harm others. (Like Sandy Hook. That was repulsive.) Sadly, good people are often manipulated. How that happens and who benefits is interesting to me.”
The same user delved into their point by sharing a video, where a woman discussed the alleged connection between tech devices and 5G towers, captioning it ‘Poor thing wants to protect everyone.’ Noodles reacted to the video by saying:
“Whoever is feeding people like her this utterly insane bulls**t should be ashamed of themselves. They are preying on the handicapped.”
As the thread continued, the singer’s other followers kept posting their favorite conspiracy theories and mentioned the ones they hated while he shared his opinion on some of them in the comments.
To answer one of the tweets expressing hate for the Sandy Hook Theory, claiming the shooting that took place in the said school was the government’s work to promote stricter gun control, he wrote:
“The Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists are among the worst. That’s why I hope every penny AJ has ever made off his grifting scam goes to the Sandy Hook Parents, and he dies penniless. F**k AJ and anyone who supports him.”
You can read Noodles’ tweets below.