heavy metalturbokill
05:15 Saturday, 30 September 2023

German melodic power metal band Turbokill - centered around singer Stephan Dietrich (ex-Alpha Tiger) - have released their second digital single, "Tear It Down", worldwide.
After the previous single, "Time To Wake", received critical acclaim across social media networks and beyond, Turbokill follows up with "Tear It Down", a lesson in authentic European power metal.

Singer Stephan comments on the single lyrics:
"How quickly do you get stuck in this life - in the everyday life of a society that places all kinds of expectations on you? And how quickly do you lose sight of yourself in this hustle and bustle? The years go by, you build comfort zones and then finally forget what you really want from life. Our new single 'Tear It Down' is meant to shake us awake, to rediscover our innermost desires and to tear down all blockades that prevent us from doing so."
Guitarist Daniel elaborates on the music:
"The basic framework of the song was created shortly after the recording of our debut album Vice World. We wanted to create a tune that combines all the strengths that make up Turbokill: a high level of musical skills paired with catchy melodies and hooks. The whole thing then culminates in an epic-sounding middle section."
Turbokill live:
16 – Hamburg, Germany – Bambi Galore (Layserdays)
23 – Braunschweig, Germany – KufA Haus (Laserdays)
19 – Kassel, Germany – Goldgrube
21 – Essen, Germany – Don’t Panic
26 – Munich, Germany – Backstage
27 – Saalfeld, Germany – KDJ
Turbokill is:
Stephan Dietrich – Vocals
Ronny Schuster – Guitar
Daniel Kanzler – Guitar
Marco "Fox" Grünwald – Bass
Kevin "Käfer" Käferstein – Guitar