Former Cradle Of Filth backing vocalist / keyboardist turned solo artist Lindsay Schoolcraft was nominated for the Oshawa Music Awards 2023 Producer Of The Year back in August. The event took place on September 24th at the Regent Theatre in Oshawa, Ontario, and Schoolctaft walked away with the award.

She has shared the following message:
"It’s safe to say any ounce of imposter syndrome I had left exited my body last night. So many artists get overlooked as producers because it’s what is expected from us these days. Especially early on in our careers if we have a vision for our music and want to prove ourselves.
There are not enough words to express what this moment meant to me last night. Especially as a woman, women (and other gender minorities) still making up less than 4% of the music production world. And I can boldly and safely say a lot of people have not taken me seriously in this role over the years so much that countless times I was not properly credited for my work.
This category was not publicly voted on, but instead by a panel of serious industry professionals whom judged all factors of the song and the producer’s ability to make it cohesively come together. So this was legit. Like LEGIT legit!
Many thank yous we’re said last night. So many I can’t even remember them all right now! Whenever the speech footage goes live I promise I’ll post it around. But know I am grateful. And if I’m grateful for you, you know who you are!
It’s just wild that a song I was once told wasn’t worthy of a major label album then went on to be Patreon funded. And not only does it has some of the most talented musicians I know on it, but also two of my idols. And then went onto be an award winning song! NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR SONGS ESPECIALLY IF THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO YOU!!! Surround yourself with good people and anything is possible!!"

Schoolcraft released "Remember To Breathe" in October 2022 along with the following message:
"This one is rather special because it’s the result of community. Community of musicians and community of fans.
The track was originally something I orchestrated that didn’t make a cut a few years back, but I loe how on Patreon I can just throw up my lost demos and the community there decides what path I go down next. I definitely have not been on the heavy train much the past few years, but it was time to change that.
The minute I came across this demo I knew it had to be another duet with the one and only Sarah Jezebel Deva and along the way the lovely and talented Mustis lended his piano talents (I’m still over the moon about that). I also couldn’t have done it without the super talented team that came on board.
Anyways, due to marketing school I’m labeling this as my heaviest solo track yet: Blackened Gothic Metal. But you can decide that for yourself. It’s rather perfect for this time of year."
Vocals: Lindsay Schoolcraft and Sarah Jezebel Deva
Piano: Mustis (Susperia, ex-Dimmu Borgir)
Guitars and Drums: Fabian (Antiqva)
Bass: Memnock
Additional Orchestration: Christopher Caouette
This category was not publicly voted on, but instead by a panel of serious industry professionals whom judged all factors of the song and the producer’s ability to make it cohesively come together. So this was legit. Like LEGIT legit!
Many thank yous we’re said last night. So many I can’t even remember them all right now! Whenever the speech footage goes live I promise I’ll post it around. But know I am grateful. And if I’m grateful for you, you know who you are!
It’s just wild that a song I was once told wasn’t worthy of a major label album then went on to be Patreon funded. And not only does it has some of the most talented musicians I know on it, but also two of my idols. And then went onto be an award winning song! NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR SONGS ESPECIALLY IF THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO YOU!!! Surround yourself with good people and anything is possible!!"