FEAR FACTORY Is Pretty Far Along With Their Next Album | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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FEAR FACTORY Is Pretty Far Along With Their Next Album

fear factory
19:00 Monday, 25 September 2023

Fear Factory is plotting a 2024 release for their new record. The new record will be Fear Factory's first since their 2021 effort Aggression Continuum, and their first-ever with new vocalist Milo Silvestro.

In an interview with The Rock Is George podcast, Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares said the band has "already started working on new material. "We do have eight songs in the can. We've gotta write a couple of more songs to complete the album." Cazares didn't give a concrete timeframe for when to expect new music, only adding that fans should "Look for it next year, for sure."

Cazares previously laid out a rough timeline for the new album in an interview with ADK Metal News, Reviews, Reactions & Interviews, saying Fear Factory should be back in the studio next January.

"We start October 6 going into December 17, and then we have Christmas break, obviously. January we go back into the studio, start finishing more stuff from the [upcoming] record. And then late January, we've got another big tour coming up, which I can't say who it is yet, but it's gonna be a fucking killer package. And it's in the U.S. And that's gonna be another two-month tour. And then we've got some festivals — April, May, June and probably August. Then, in the summer, I need to take the summer off to finish the new record, get it out and then get back on the road probably by October, November next year again."

He continued: "It's a lot of planning. We're getting asked to do a lot of things and right now I've been saying yes, just to try to get the band back out there, try to get the band to rebuild our large live credibility. We want the fans to come back. And then you hit 'em with a new song and then you hit 'em with a new album. And you just get back out there and do it again."
