heavy metalmichael sweetstryper
22:26 Thursday, 21 September 2023

Michael Sweet is set to begin writing material for Stryper's follow-up to their 2022 album, The Final Battle. Sweet took to social media earlier today with the following update:
"I plan to start writing the next @stryper album this week. We want to branch out a bit and try some new things and I also want to get back to some “pop metal” on a few tracks as well.
"The new album will be recorded in January/February and then I will finish vocals/solos and we will mix it when we return from The Holy Land Tour in late February/March.
"What do you (the fans) want to hear on the next album. What have you been missing and wanting to hear us do? I would love to hear from everyone, worldwide. Take a moment and let me know your thoughts."