tomb mold
21:36 Thursday, 21 September 2023

Tomb Mold surprise released their first new album in four years The Enduring Spirit last Friday and it's extremely good. Tomb Mold then earned themselves a spot on the cover of Decibel's upcoming issue as part of their comeback, and I guess they didn't dress metal enough because people are being real neckbeards about it.
Yes, some folks on Twitter decided to dunk on Tomb Mold for not wearing black t-shirts and looking like their mom just said they can't go to the mall on Saturday. Or as one person that clearly needs to leave the house more put it, "I like the new Tomb Mold record a lot. But death metal bands really need to understand that getting your picture on a magazine cover fucking means something, and meet the moment. Death metal needs more Akercockes, and fewer examples of…this."
Tomb Mold's Max Klebanoff and Payson Power has since responded to the "controvery" with what boils down to polite versions of "fuck off." Which is fair
"We are literally wearing just tshirts and shorts in that photo," wrote Klebanoff. "Why does anyone care. Wait until you see the whole feature"
"If this is how you feel about Tomb Mold after seeing what we look like, by all means, stop listening to our band," added Power. "That cover photo is a completely authentic portrait of who we are. Why would you want us to be anything but? This is no judgment towards the mighty Akercocke, one of the most interesting and ambitious extreme metal bands of our time. I believe they're just as sincere as we are"
Decibel themselves even jumped in and cracked a "name three songs" joke, because seriously, how is this even a problem? Put on flip flops and Hawaiian shirts if that's your thing. That, and like Power said – this is how Tomb Mold dresses. That's how most of us dress. Who cares. Plus nobody had anything to say about their promo photo above, but all of a sudden it's an issue when it's on magazine? C'mon.