hard rockted nugent
22:41 Wednesday, 20 September 2023

In the latest episode of "The Nightly Nuge", Ted Nugent was asked by co-host Keith Mark if he thinks he should be inducted into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame now that Jann Wenner - who he describes as a "lying, misogynistic, racist" - has been ousted from his position on Hall's Board Of Directors.
On Saturday (September 16), Rolling Stone reported that Wenner had been relieved of his position following an interview with The New York Times, where Wenner made widely criticized comments about Black and female musicians, alongside revealing other questionable editorial decisions.
Says Nugent: "Had you not posed that question to me, about whether I should be in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, I would never even think about it. I'm too busy playing my guitar and making great music with my amazing musicians, playing for the greatest music-loving audience in my life. Stop and think, at 75 years of age, I can honestly say with much piss and vinegar and aplomb, that my Adios Mofo '23! tour was the most fun, the most musically gratifying and inspiring, the most intense, ferocious, real musical celebration of my life."
Hear what else Ted has to say, below:
In a previous episode of "The Nightly Nuge", Nugent talked about his famous cover shot for Rolling Stone magazine in ’79 that upset the magazine's founder, Jann Wenner.

Ted puts his truth, logic and common-sense spotlight on Wenner’s recent comments that women and black artists aren’t “articulate enough” to be included in his recent book, The Masters. Truth is stranger than fiction and this is strange. Watch below: