AVENGED SEVENFOLD Is Either Teasing A New Music Video Or They've Lost Their Minds | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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AVENGED SEVENFOLD Is Either Teasing A New Music Video Or They've Lost Their Minds

avenged sevenfold
19:38 Monday, 18 September 2023

Avenged Sevenfold just posted a pretty strange and lengthy video to their Instagram with zero explanation. The video features a Barbie family giving "birth" to their daughter, followed by a fairly callous doctor and an "insane" doll talking about how little life matters. It's a pretty fucking wild ride through and through, but what does it mean?

The obvious answer is that it's a video for the Life Is But A Dream track "Mattel", given all the dolls are Mattel products it all fits with the song's lyrics. Though there are some "We Love You" lyrics thrown into the trailer, so who knows? Maybe it's a double video. Maybe it's nothing and Avenged Sevenfold has just gone completely insane. It happens sometimes.

As for what's next with Avenged Sevenfold, vocalist M. Shadows said in a recent interview that the band is working on some new music that's vastly different than Life Is But A Dream. Shadows later clarified that Avenged Sevenfold isn't in the studio or anything like that, but they're certainly thinking about new music.

"There's something vastly different in the works," said Shadows. "There were some avenues on this record that we really wanted to explore … I appreciate that comparison because I love that record, there is so much chaos and then there's beauty in the chaos. I think of [Weezer's] Pinkerton, that's another record that's chaotic but so beautiful."

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