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12:22 Sunday, 10 September 2023

As promoter Glenn Harveston counts down his remaining festivals - he has vowed to retire when he completes #25 - the roster is a mix of longtime fan favorites, and plenty of new, maybe somewhat controversial, faces.
While the initial two days (Wednesday and Thursday) will be announced shortly, by their respective promoters, it's already confirmed that XXIII will take place September 4 - 7th, 2024, at Center Stage, in Atlanta, GA.
Tickets for the final two days will go on sale October 21st, 2023. Separate admission isrequired for the other shows.
The confirmed line-up is:
Friday, September 6
Amorphis (Finland)
Lovebites (Japan)
Soen (Sweden)
Elegy (The Netherlands)
Fifth Angel (USA)
Striker (Canada)
Saturday, September 7
Winger (USA) - Performing their Pull album, in its entirety.
Pagan's Mind (Norway)
Damian Wilson (UK)
Eleine (Sweden)
Disillusion (Germany)
Frozen Crown (Italy)
ProgPower USA XXIII Days 3&4 Roster Presentation from ProgPower USA on Vimeo.