skid rowarch enemyerik grönwallheavy metal
10:43 Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Skid Row frontman Erik Grönwall attended his first ever Arch Enemy show on August 14th at Parksnäckan in Uppsala, Sweden. He rates the experience in the video below, released via his offcial YouTube channel.
Fan-filmed video of the show can be viewed below. The setlist was as follows:
"Deceiver, Deceiver"
"The World Is Yours"
"War Eternal"
"In the Eye of the Storm"
"House of Mirrors"
"My Apocalypse"
"The Watcher"
"The Eagle Flies Alone"
"Handshake With Hell"
"Sunset Over the Empire"
"As the Pages Burn"
"We Will Rise"
"Enemy Within"
"Burning Angel"
"Snow Bound"