RONNIE RADKE Says "Freedom Of Speech Is Dead" After Getting Banned On Social Media For Being An Edgelord | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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RONNIE RADKE Says "Freedom Of Speech Is Dead" After Getting Banned On Social Media For Being An Edgelord

ronnie radke
18:38 Sunday, 30 July 2023

Falling In Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke went on a days-long bender of making shitty comments about transgender people, and it's finally caught up with him.

It all started on July 25 when Radke, seemingly unprovoked, took to Twitter to make the following comment: "Imagine getting your tik tok deleted, or losing your job or alienated for saying that a trans woman can’t have a period, you all have mothers and sisters and wives and girlfriends and know damn well the struggles of being a born women and the pain of endometriosis etc and have the audacity to try and silence or censor the reality. BULLSHIT"

Radke then followed it up with comments about ire-of-the-culture-war and trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, saying "The same people that call me a womanizer, abuser, and bigot are the same people that support the ideology that trans can have periods and support tampon companies making trans the spokesperson. It’s extremely offensive to all women, to mock their biology. stop pretending this is okay."

I guess Radke spoke to every single woman on the planet and has determined that 100% of them are on his side? That, or maybe this is all overblown and falls right in line with Radke's firebrand mentality of getting attention through being endlessly controversial at all costs. And of course it had to be Mulvaney, the target of every opinion like this at the moment.

Things then took a turn for the absurd and slightly racist when Radke seemingly insinuated that because he's rich, he doesn't need to be grammatically correct, and that if he identifies as a black person he should receive reparations. Or in his own words, "Cool I identify as a black man, do I get my reparations now?" Super cool opinion dude, very awesome.

Oh, and don't worry – Radke really leaned into the whole single-digit-IQ racism thing, retweeting another user and saying: "It’s not a completely different thing, you need the respect the fact that I identify as a black man if you want me to respect you identify as a woman, you aren’t allowed to pick and choose."

Shockingly, after days of making comments like the ones above, Radke found himself shadowbanned on Twitter and banned on TikTok. But don't worry! TikTok never mattered to him, which is clearly why he was on there in the first place. As for his Twitter shadowban, apparently "freedom of speech is dead." Because y'know, the First Amendment clearly states you can say whatever you want on Twitter, and doesn't only protect your right to free speech without government intervention. Twitter and TikTok are private companies, dude – their content moderation is entirely up to them, for better or worse. Maybe don't be a massive edgelord and this could've been avoided? Also, y'all really need to learn what the First Amendment protects and what the phrase "freedom of speech" means in that context.

Anyway, Falling In Reverse is on tour right now and selling loads of tickets. Ronnie Radke is clearly the victim in this situation. Our hearts go out to him.
