21:16 Friday, 21 July 2023

Alex "Impaler" Friberg, bassist for such bands as Shining and Naglfar, has addressed an old photo of himself throwing a Nazi salute online. Friberg states that the photo was taken over a decade ago and that he was "drunk, younger, immature and was aiming to provoke all the time." Friberg further notes that he is now a "changed man" and while he can't alter what happened, "I can do something about the future and be the best person that I can be."
"It is with heavy heart I have to address the disgusting picture of me that is online on different forums. There's no excuse here but I feel that I need to say something about it. Maybe I just makes things worse by mentioning this but it has to be done.
"I have no recollection of this photo, but it was taken when I toured in Chile about 10-12 years ago. I was drunk, younger, immature and was aiming to provoke all the time. I have looked back on my young self several times with regret.
"This is obviously something I feel extremely bad and stupid about and NOTHING I stand for what so ever!! I believe that every person can change for the better and believe me when I tell you that I'm a changed man.
"I want to send all of you who follow my journey my deepest sincere apologies. And to my band mates, I'm truly sorry for this fuck up! I can't change the past but I can do something about the future and be the best person that I can be.
"All the best"