Vocalist Jeff Scott Soto (Sons Of Apollo, Trans-Siberian Irchestra) has shared the following message via social media:
"Every day I'm on the treadmill for an extended amount of time and I find myself revisiting what I feel are the 'perfect albums'. I wanna take the next 10 days to present my Soup To Nuts - All Killer, No Filler series for ya.
Now, this is MY list, I don't expect anyone to agree or want to dispute. This is for fun and, if anything, might explain what makes me tick as an artist.
Today’s Soup To Nuts pays homage to Saigon Kick - S/T
Coming up career wise through the '80s, it was unclear where I would fit into the '90s, as I didn’t find much to chew on the whole Grunge scene but knew a new era was upon us. Having done what I considered would be the only Talisman tour in 1990, we all went home to collect our thoughts while Jason Bieler dove head first into his own agenda!
Were they a product of the '80s, alternative, the future of Rock, a hidden gem, etc.,? Well, all of the above!
Armed with his merry men, the first Saigon Kick album showed you can have it all without abandoning or choosing one lane… and this album took me by surprise when it launched!
Now I may be biased for a number of reasons, including singing backgrounds on a few songs and having a budding brotherhood with Jason and the guys, but regardless, this album spent a lot of time in my car!
From top to bottom, every note and beat count, all killer, no filler."