18:13 Thursday, 13 July 2023

Vulvodynia went through a pretty rough patch back in May when vocalist Duncan Bentley allegedly tried to kill drummer Tom Hughes. Hughes elaborated on the claims at the time and said he hopes Bentley can get the treatment he needs, while Bentley denied what happened.
Vulvodynia has announced that guitarist Lwandile Prusent, who joined in 2020, has become their new vocalist. Shout out to Prusent for the new position in the band, and to Vulvodynia for carrying on.
"We're extremely excited to finally announce our new vocalist, Lwandile Prusent! Lwandile joined Vulvodynia as a guitarist, but has now made the jump to vocals and we couldn't be more stoked!
"Check out this video of him showing off his skills, as well as a sneak peek at some new music. We all hope you're just as excited as us for the future of Vulvodynia! Vocal recording has begun for our new album, and it's sounding incredible!
"Here's a short quote from Lwandile: 'Hey everyone, so i've become the new vocalist of Vulvo, and it's been a challenging transition, but I don't plan on letting the people who support us down. I am still the guitar player of this band, and always will be. It just might take a while before you see me with one on stage again. Peace and love.'" View this post on Instagram A post shared by VULVODYNIA (@vulvodyniaslam)