15:47 Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Modern radio rock is just not that appealing to Buckcherry frontman Josh Todd. In an interview with The Logan Show, Todd spoke extensively about why he feels modern rock lacks any distinct personalities or musical traits. Or as Todd's succinctly puts it right up front, "There's no one separating the pack."
"Rock is just not dangerous," said Todd. "And when I say 'dangerous', I don't mean using foul language or saying that kind of stuff. There's no one separating the pack.
"Back in the day, there were bands that — every band kind of had personalities and they all were separate from each other because of that even though they were in one genre of music. I can give a good example — the last decade where there were rock stars was the '90s. I mean, look how many amazing frontmen you had — you had Layne Staley and Chris Cornell and Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder and Zack De La Rocha — and all these guys were just all in a league on their own. And every one of those bands was different, so when you heard them, you knew it was them. And I don't know — since, like, 2000, it hasn't been like that on rock radio."
Todd then further explains himself, saying that a lot of modern rock is simply indiscernible from one another. Which I guess is true if you're only listening to a lot of the big names, but as usual it generally takes some digging to find the good stuff. But yeah, there's certainly a lot of middling material out there that just feels by the numbers. Which honestly, I'd argue is worse than being bad.
"You listen to any kind of new rock radio, and it sounds like — to me; this is just my opinion — it just sounds like one consecutive band for, like, 45 minutes, and you don't know who anyone is and you don't know anybody's name and there's no guitar heroes and there's no frontmen. And the lyrics — I don't know — it's kind of, in my opinion, G rated. I don't feel like anybody's connecting with their audience in an honest way. I don't know. Maybe they are. I think the last band to really do that was Rage Against The Machine. I really liked them a lot. I wish they'd put out a lot more records, but they don't."