heavy metalgraveripper
00:45 Thursday, 6 July 2023

Back in 2021, Wise Blood turned summer into a nuclear winter when we released Radiated Remains, the blistering EP from Indianapolis thrashers Graveripper. Two summers later, Graveripper return with their debut LP of crypt-crushing black thrash, Seasons Dreaming Death.
Radiated Remains (mastered by Toxic Holocaust’s Joel Grind) introduced a band fusing thrash and black metal with wicked speed and a pit-stirring mentality. From the first vicious riff of lead single “Into The Grave,” Seasons Dreaming Death launches a 33 minute ballistic assault.
Graveripper vocalist/guitarist Corey Parks has a two word summary of the album’s songwriting approach:
“Refined Expansion,” Parks describes. “Double down on what resonates with us, but also introduce some new arrangements, ideas, themes, and influences. With this being a full-length record there was a lot more room to do that. We introduced more Teutonic thrash worship that teeters on the line of death metal. We also took this as an opportunity to prove we can really play some straightforward malicious black metal riffing as well. All while keeping the overall sonic goal of sewing black and thrash together in our own unique ratio.”
While Seasons Dreaming Death is being released in the middle of Wise Blood’s “Summer Ov Thrash”—launching 5 high-speed albums in 4 months—the title is actually a reference to the incoming crawl of autumn.
“[The album title] is my take on Halloween/Samhain,” Parks confirms, “the day of the year where the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is the thinnest.”
Graveripper will wake the dead when Seasons Dreaming Death unleashes hell on August 25, 2023. Available on Vinyl, CD, Cassette, and Digital from Wise Blood Records. Preorder on Bandcamp.

“Into The Grave”
“Ripped And Torn Apart”
“Divine Incantations”
“Seasons Dreaming Death”
“An Influx Of Fear”
“Resist Against The Light”
“Red Skies”
“And I Curse Reality”
“Only Coldness”