nita strauss
16:45 Tuesday, 4 July 2023

The Internet is not real life and, despite all the hateful comments, nobody is actually going to say anything to your face. Nita Strauss knows it all too well, as she's revealed in a recent interview with Metal Global.
In the interview, Strauss said she's encountered loads of online hate but has never actually had someone be that mean to her in person. Which again, makes sense – it's real easy to terrible to folks you've never actually interacted with.
"I wrote a song about it. There's a song about it on [The Call Of The Void] called 'Digital Bullets' with Chris Motionless [of Motionless In White]. And it really talks about these trolls online firing the 'digital bullets'. They'll never come to you to your face and say, 'You suck,' 'You whore,' 'You money-grubbing whore,' or whatever. No one has ever said that to my face, but you go on social media and it's, like, 'I hope you die in a fire.' [Laughs] It's just people being tough on the Internet. It's not new. It's not going away."
"My boyfriend said it to me personally one time… And it was hurtful — I can't lie and say that it was not hurtful. Of course it was hurtful. But he said, 'You know, no one's coming and spitting on your face in the street. People aren't coming to you, being rude to you. It's just fake. It's just online.'
"People will talk online. And they have a saying, 'Living well is the best revenge.' So those people can keep spending their time on Facebook, talking their shit. I will keep touring the world, eating fabulous food, staying in nice hotels, playing guitar with some of the biggest stars in rock and pop and metal. And I think that's a good compromise. I'm happy with that. [Laughs]"
Anyway, be mad in the comments or whatever. Strauss doesn't care.