21:29 Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Palms, the band featuring ex-Isis drummer Aaron Harris, bassist Jeff Caxide, and guitarist Bryant Clifford Meyer, alongside Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno, is re-releasing their self-titled debut album on September 22. The reissue features the two B-sides "Opening Titles" and "End Credits" and is available for pre-order here.
As far as actual new Palms material, Moreno revealed in a 2020 interview that it's not out of the question. It's just difficult with his schedule, likely moreso now that Crosses is active again.
"We did it with the intentions of it not being a band… It was just fun," he said. "I'm hanging out with my friend [Aaron Harris], we're just experimenting and making music. But it wasn't like a band. It was a bunch of music that they'd already been jamming on and I just sang over what they had.
"I didn't have any part in the creating of the songs themselves or whatever or playing guitar. Eventually we played live and I played guitar and I felt like the live version of that a lot better because it was more bombastic and dynamic I think. But yeah, it was tough because the expectations of what that could have been. I personally felt a little bit let down. So if I felt that way, then I know that a lot of other people must have felt that same way too.
"But that being said, I'm glad I did it. It was super fun and we actually wrote a few songs now—ones that we did together as a group—and we probably got like four or five tunes of those that we started working on, that we've done some recording on them actually; and then kind of paused it out because I had to go in and do a Deftones record or whatever. We weren't able to get around to it.
"We still may at some point, because obviously the songs are there and it's kind of up to me to write some more vocals and stuff over it. But its actually a lot more a mix of Isis and Deftones type of thing, its a lot more guitar-driven I guess you'd say—distorted guitar, dynamic."