16:26 Saturday, 24 June 2023

Crosses, the duo of Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno and Far instrumentalist Shaun Lopez, is hitting the stage for the first time since 2014 this at the Darker Waves festival on November 18 in Huntington Beach, CA. The festival is headlined by New Order and Tears For Fears, making Crosses a perfect addition in all their synthy glory.
Crosses returned to the world in late 2022 with their EP Permanent Radiant, though Moreno previously revealed that the project has way more material than that tracked and ready to go.
"I think there's beyond a record in the can," said Moreno in an interview last year. "It's just about us now picking and choosing when and how to release it. The idea now is just to slowly put out 'singles' and little batches of songs over a long period of time, and then at some point to accumulate it into a full-length record."
"That's the plan with this one too: drop a couple songs, then a couple more, then just keep going until we have the full spectrum of a record. That's a fun way to do it. We're slowly but surely putting it out with no urgency to it. We made the record gradually over a few years, so I have no problem releasing it that way either."