heavy metaltwo minutes to late nighttina turner
23:21 Monday, 29 May 2023

Singer, dancer, actress and author Tina Turner, often referred to as the "Queen Of Rock 'N' Roll", passed away on May 24 after a long illness. She was 83. The Two Minutes To Late Night crew pay tribute with their cover of "One Of The Living". Watch the video below.
A message states: "When Karl from Earth Crisis asks to cover the angry Tina song from Mad Max, you gather the oddest team of musicians possible and give it a breakdown. RIP to simply The Best, Tina Turner. This is the 65th bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. Become a Patreon patron today and get access to exclusive rewards like patches, t-shirts, even custom songs! Plus, you get to see every cover we make before it publicly premieres."
This cover features:
Karl Buechner - Earth Crisis
Jennifer Vito - War On Women
Dirk Verbeuren - Megadeth
Joe Principe - Rise Against
Angelo Moore - Fishbone