lzzy halehalestormhard rock
05:17 Friday, 19 May 2023

Lzzy Hale has been writing and performing for over half of her life with her band Halestorm. Over the past two decades she’s released gold and platinum selling albums with plenty of chart-toppers at rock radio, all while shattering the status quo with her powerhouse vocals and bold lyrics.
In the following installment of How I Wrote That Song, WMMR’s Sara asks Lzzy about her biggest hits, going back to when Halestorm came out swinging in 2009 with the single “I Get Off”. Despite the saucy title, the first draft of the song was actually about how the band won over a few hardened record executives in the audience at a live showcase.
When Lzzy developed the lyrics further with a writing collective called The Girls, she explains: “I was telling them this story [about the show] and one of them - and this is why I love writing with women, because our sense of humor is the same - was like, 'Oh, so you got off on them enjoying what you do'... and we took over this piano, in the lobby of this hotel, and were singing 'I get off on you, getting off on me,' just totally annoying everybody around us.”
Lzzy adds with a laugh, “It originally didn’t start from sex, but it definitely grew its own legs!”
Sara and Lzzy also discuss the Grammy-nominated song “Uncomfortable”. and a new track called “Terrible Things”. Along the way, they touch on her unexpected radio hit with Daughtry this year, swapping gender perspectives in song lyrics, and how activism plays a role in her writing process.