dororob halfordjudas priestheavy metal
04:43 Friday, 19 May 2023

Jimmy Kay and Alan Dixon from Canada's The Metal Voice recently spoke to Doro Pesch (Warlock) live on YouTube. In the chat, Doro provided some details about her upcoming solo album entitled, Conqueress Forever Strong And Proud, which includes a duet with Judas Priest's Rob Halford.
When asked what can fans expect with the new album, Doro replied, "The album will be released the 27th of October, 2023 via Nuclear Blast and the first single is coming out the 9th of June. The title of the single will be called 'Time For Justice' and we plan to have like four or five singles (videos) before the official release of the album."
"The new album is pretty heavy, it's pretty hard. The first five songs are totally heavy and then there are some mid tempo ones, anthem (like). The song 'I Will Prevail' is the heaviest one I think. The opening track I love so much it's called 'Children Of The Dawn'. There are two duets on the album, one with a very famous German singer, and the other is with Rob Halford from Judas Priest, which is a dream come true. Rob is a great guy and we have been friends forever, it's a special treat. I am so excited , I am so grateful, I love Rob, he was the biggest inspiration to me and it means the world to me."