hard rockthe nocturnal affairdepeche mode
19:46 Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Alternative heavy rock band, The Nocturnal Affair, has released their newest single, a dark re-imagining of the 1997 Depeche Mode hit single, "It's No Good". Listen below.
Produced by John Moyer (Disturbed), the band’s crushing and melancholic musical style is an ode to darker alternative music torchbearers like Type O Negative, HIM, David Bowie, Gary Numan, and Nine Inch Nails. They capture a uniquely haunting sound steeped in downtrodden melodies enveloped in the darkness.
Released on Madison Records with distribution via The Orchard / SONY, "It's No Good" is the first single from their upcoming EP, which will be released in the fall of 2023.
The Nocturnal Affair will be touring with Smile Empy Soul on their 20th Anniversary Tour, alongside opening act The Stone Eye. Launching May 20 in Mountain Home, AR, the tour winds through the the US into June, wrapping up in Little Rock, AR on June 17.