How SKID ROW Blew BON JOVI Off The Stage In 1989; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Investigates (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 10:57

How SKID ROW Blew BON JOVI Off The Stage In 1989; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Investigates (Video)

hard rockskid rowbon joviprofessor of rock
18:48 Wednesday, 3 May 2023
How SKID ROW Blew BON JOVI Off The Stage In 1989; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Investigates (Video)

Professor Of Rock has released the new video below, along with the following message:

"Up next, guitarist Dave "Snake" Sabo from late 80s premier hard rock group Skid Row tells the story of the anthem that started it all, 'Youth Gone Wild. Snake Sabo was actually good friends with the biggest selling rock frontman of the late 80s, Jon Bon Jovi, and was actually in Bon Jovi early on, but it didn’t work out, so Jon Bon Jovi helped his friend to get a record deal and then had the rookie and his band Skid Row open for him on his stadium tour. Within a few weeks of playing this song, the student surpassed the teacher as the opening band Skid Row was getting a bigger ovation than the headliner! The interview and story is coming up next."
