heavy metalchaos rising
23:05 Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Chaos Rising is a unique project that brings together female metal musicians from across the globe. The girls recently released their double album, and to date 40 musicians from 18 countries have taken part.
Now, Chaos Rising is launching song contests to encourage more women to practise music, develop their skills and express their creativity.
This first contest is open to singers, of all metal styles and levels of experience. A team of musicians (CR founder Stéphanie Nolf on guitar, Argentina’s Nicole Trinchero on drums, Martha Horizis from Germany as bassist, plus solo guitarist Carolina R Moreno from Chile) has created a melodic metal style song, which vocalists can sing or scream in their own way, writing their own lyrics and vocal line.
Two juries - composed of Chaos Rising members and fans - will choose the best singer - YOU can vote! To listen to a sample of the track, enter the contest, or find out more, click here.