Writer D.X. Ferris has announced "Talkin' Slayer: A Podcast And Half-Assed Audiobook".
Description: Talkin' Slayer tells the story of Slayer, the thrashiest of the Big Four thrash metal bands. After some introduction episodes, this weekly show tells the story of the Los Angeles heavy metal institution, in chronological order: how the band happened, when things fell apart, how they put them back together, and what it all meant — no, MEANS. After Episode 6, Patreon supporters receive every weekly episode.
Talkin' Slayer is written, deeply researched, lightly edited, and mostly rehearsed, with some production value. Episodes start after :60 of intro, tops; no need to skip the first 20 minutes."
Says Ferris: "I just launched a new Slayer podcast to coincide with 1) the 10th anniversary of Jeff Hanneman's untimely death - which is Tuesday, May 2, of course. And 2) the new, updated third edition of my Slayer band biography. It's also 10 years old now.
Episode 1 is about Jeff. It's already on most major podcast outlets, and it will be on more. If you want to learn more, two trailer eps are up too. One is a short five-minute one. One is a longer one that explains how & why I hate a lot of podcasts, and I won't do shticky podcast bullshite on my show."
Ferris adds: "Some quick notes on my #Slayer podcast:
1) All Killer No Filler. No 20-minute intro every week. 60 seconds, and the topic is ON.
2) RAD different music every week by Chupacabra, a rad blackened old-school thrash band out of Bristol, England.
3) Awesome logo by Jayson Shenk of Midwest Authenticity Consultants LLC.
4) After 5 or six intro eps, it'll be chronological stories about the band every week.
Talkin' Slayer is written, deeply researched, mostly rehearsed, and lightly edited, with some production value. And, again, I'm not gonna spend the first 20 minutes flirting with my co-host, cuz A) that's stupid, and B) I don't have one. Talkin' #Slayer is what we do. It's ALL we do. And when I say "we," I mean me and you."
Listen here.
(Talkin' Slayer: A Podcast And Half-Assed Audiobook logo - Jayson Shenk of Midwest Authenticity Consultants LLC)