heavy metalkings never die
02:20 Saturday, 15 April 2023

Northeast hardcore titans Kings Never Die have issued the new video "Stay True". The track is the second to be revealed from the band's debut album, All the Rats, set for international release on May 26 via Metalville Records.
Says guitarist Dan Nastasi about the song, "'Stay True' is as simple as it comes. Stay true to yourself and the ones you love - the inner fight to keep yourself healthy and happy, and being true those that have been true to you."

Hailing from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Kings Never Die walk the line between positive, uplifting messages and dead-serious subject matter. A musical and lyrical mix of hardcore, punk, metal, with chat or sing-along vocals: in the band’s words, "We love making music together, and this is what gets spit out. Kings Never Die are comprised of members Dylan Gadino (vocals), Dan Nastasi (guitar/additional vocals), Danny Schuler (drums), Larry Nieroda (guitar), and Evan Ivkovich (bass).
Some may recognize Dan Nastasi from his past work from the original Dog Eat Dog (All Boro Kingsera) and, before that, Mucky Pup; Danny Schuler, obviously, as drummer in Biohazard; and Evan "ONE" Ivkovich as bass player in Wisdom in Chains. Although fans of those bands are sure to not be disappointed, Kings Never Die want to completely stand on their own regardless of their resume of bands. Nastasi adds, "This is all about what we are doing now. Although we love and respect the people and bands we have played with, past and present, people should only judge Kings Never Die on this new album and The Now. Of course, we hope people who enjoy what we’ve done individually in the past dig it, but make no mistake, there are no shortcuts or riding on past successes. We have cultivated this band from the ground up; we’re putting the work and love what we are doing and what we created here.”
The new album contains 10 nonstop tracks, a mix of memorable hardcore/punk riffs.