17:19 Saturday, 8 April 2023

Max Cavalera has a decade of Sepultura records under his belt, from Morbid Visions in 1986 to Roots in 1996. So what's his favorite song from all that time fronting the legendary thrash act? In an interview with Revolver, Cavalera names the opening title track from Sepultura's 1991 album Arise as the one he's most proud of.
"That's my favorite. That's my favorite track, especially the main riff. I remember writing that and going, 'Oh, yeah, this is sick,' because it's like… And I think it's a big influence by [Metallica's] "Blackened," if I'm not mistaken. It's same kind of idea, but we made it thrashier and just more energetic. But I think it's cool. That, to me, is like the prototype of a death-thrash song. It's perfect. There's nothing you can add to make it better. And if you take anything out of it, it ruins it. It's like it's perfect the way it is. So, I'm very proud of that one."
Fun fact – the music video for "Arise" was banned by MTV in 1991 for its use of Christ-like imagery and use of blood.