Rob Zombie Shouted Out on Two TV Shows in the Same Week | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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Rob Zombie Shouted Out on Two TV Shows in the Same Week

american idoljeopardyrob zombieronnie james dio
17:28 Monday, 20 March 2023

Rob Zombie has fans everywhere, including some that are keeping his name in the pop culture discussion. The former White Zombie singer-turned-movie director and solo artist got namechecked on a couple of major network television shows the past week, with mentions on both Jeopardy! and American Idol.

The long-running syndicated quiz show Jeopardy! has used Rob Zombie as a clue or answer multiple times in the past and during an episode this past week, recent champion Stephen Webb selected the "Heavenly Body In Music" category for $400, which yielded this clue from host Ken Jennings: "This planet needs women, angry red women ... stop, look, dig it." Contestant Andrew correctly guessed the question, helping make his way back to even after falling in the negative total early.

"I can’t believe I was an answer on @jeopardy again. I think this is the 4th time? So crazy," said Zombie, sharing the mention on social media with the hashtags #marsneedswomen #robzombie and #jeopardy.

Zombie may have been mentioned more than four times on the popular competition show, noting in 2019 that it was his third time being mentioned. "Mars Needs Women" was once again the answer, with Alex Trebek noting in a $2000 clue, "In a Rob Zombie song, this 'needs women,' and apparently, they need to be 'angry red women.'"

In 2021, Zombie was referenced again as an answer, with a clue read by Ken Jennings that was, "Hooray for Captain Spaulding, the murderous clown of House of 1,000 Corpses directed by this White Zombie frontman," before contestant Dusty buzzed in with the correct question, "Who is Rob Zombie?" The clue came on an episode that aired the same day as Zombie's birthday.

Then, in March 2022, Jennings served up another Zombie mention with the clue, "Rachel Maddow and Rob Zombie have worked as urban messengers on these." One contestant raised her score from $1,400 to $1,800 with the reply, "What are bicycles," to which Jennings affirmed was correct and joked, "Yes, but probably not together."

See the latest Zombie Jeopardy! mention below.

Zombie also made note of another special TV shoutout that some fans might not have known about. This came during Sunday's broadcast of the American Idol auditions when Newington, Connecticut native Rach Lux Karma stepped up to deliver a performance of Dio's "Holy Diver."

Hard rock and metal aren't typical American Idol fare, so the panel of Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan decided not to pass Lux through to the next round, but while sharing their thoughts, Richie shared his affinity for rock and his connection to Zombie.

"I have not heard that song in 100 years," stated Richie, before sharing his affinity for heavier music. "I'm a big fan of rock 'n' roll. I know this may sound kind of strange but Rob Zombie happens to be one of my dearest friends."

"What?!," Katy Perry responded incredulously, then adding, "Rob Zombie and Lionel Richie hang out?!" At that point, a photo of Richie and Zombie hanging out together appeared on screen, as the former Commodores singer remarked, "How about we both did [Commodores'] 'Brick House' together on a record?"

While Karma did not advance, she did share with, "I think the thing that shocked me the most was the behind-the-scenes stage crew. The reason being that they were all metalheads." The vocalist fronts two Connecticut-based bands, the symphonic goth death metal outfit NEVERMØUЯИ and the metal covers group Evil TWIN.

READ MORE: Musicians Telling the Truth About American Idol

While Katy Perry offered a "no," she suggested Karma continue to "rock on in your own world," while Bryan concluded, "I'm gonna go search what 'Holy Diver' is," before offering his pass as well.

Zombie commented while sharing the Lionel Richie shoutout, "Along with my @jeopardy mention I got a big shout out from @lionelrichie this week on @americanidol . So wild. Maybe Lionel had the 20th anniversary of our HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES Brick House collaboration on his mind?" #robzombie #lionelrichie #americanidol #houseof1000corpses.

See Rach Lux Karma's audition and Zombie's comments below, and revisit Zombie's version of "Brick House" with Richie as well.

Rach Lux Karma Auditions for American Idol in 2023

Rob Zombie + Lionel Richie, "Brick House 2003"
