children of bodomwarmenalexi laihojanne wirmanheavy metal
12:00 Friday, 17 March 2023

Warmen started as a solo project of Janne "Warman" Wirman and when the keyboardist wasn't traveling the world with Children Of Bodom, he was regularly recording albums with his brother Antti Wirman (guitar), Jyri Helko (bass) and Mirka Rantanen (drums, Kotipelto, ex-Hevisaurus).
After the much too early end of Children Of Bodom and the tragic death of Alexi Laiho, Janne together with his brother Antti found their way back to music through Warmen. The band recently signed a worldwide record deal with Reaper Entertainment.
Janne comments: "After the abrupt ending of Children Of Bodom I wasn’t sure if I'd ever make music again. We did a couple of songwriting sessions last year with my brother and Jyri and I realized that I still have a lot of desire for music and together we wrote an album of exiting new stuff. We teamed up with Flori and Greg from the Reaper Entertainment as I had worked with them before with great results and knew they understood my past with Bodom and where we wanted to go next with Warmen."
The last official album, First Of The Five Elements, was initially released in 2014 via the crowdfunding platform PledgeMusic, which however ceased operations shortly thereafter. Since very few copies of the album hit the market, Reaper Entertainment is now re-releasing the album today (March 17th) to shorten the wait for the new album. The direction of the material is classically inspired power metal, but similar to Children Of Bodom, the focus of Warmen is on the interplay of guitar and keyboard perfected by the Wirman brothers.
In addition to ten original songs, cover versions of Madonna and Alice Cooper provide surprises and for the vocals on First Of The Five Elements the quartet was able to win Pasi Rantanen (Thunderstone), Jonna Kosonen and the too early deceased Alexi Laiho (Children Of Bodom) as guest musicians.
Check out the new visualizer for "Suck My Attitutde" featuring Alexi Laiho.
The new Warmen album is planned for a later 2023 release. Stay tuned.