skid rowkisshard rock
09:00 Sunday, 12 March 2023

Skid Row have been confirmed to support KISS for six shows in Europe on the End Of The Road Tour this summer. Dates are listed below.
12 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Ziggo Dome
13 - Brussels, Belgium - Palais 12
27 - Lyon, France - Halle Tony Garnier⠀
29 - Tuscany, Italy - Lucca Festival⠀
1 - Mannheim, Germany - SAP Arena
2 - Cologne, Germany - Lanxess Arena

Skid Row bassist Rachel Bolan recently spoke with 96.1 KLPX, and during the chat he revealed the band has plans to release a live album this year.
Bolan: "We recorded for a live record when we were in London (October 2022). So hopefully that'll be out at some point this year. Possibly another video off this record (The Gang's All Here); not sure. We're just kind of getting the year going. We got home in November, and Snake (Dave Sabo / guitar) had neck surgery. He had to get two discs replaced at the bottom of his neck. And it's a crazy operation; they go in through the front and move his throat over and all this shit (laughs). It's nuts. So, anyway, he needs to rehab, and that's what he's been doing. He'll be good to go by the end of February, beginning of March. And then we start; our first show, I believe, is on the 9th of March. We start rehearsals a few days before that, and then it's balls to the wall."