skid rowsabatondave "snake" sabotommy johanssonhard rock
22:00 Sunday, 5 March 2023

Sabaton guitarist Tommy Johansson is known for his weekly solo cover songs, and in the Party Like A Rockstar Podcast clip below, Skid Row guitarist Dave "Snake" Sabo weighs in on Johansson's cover of the band's classic, "18 And Life". Go to the 2:17 mark for the beginning of the song.
Skid Row recently announced the official "18 And Life" cover song challenge.
To enter, upload a video of your "18 And Life" creative cover to Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, tagging Skid Row with the hashtag #18AndLife and you could win a Snake Sabo Kramer Signature guitar. Submission process ends March 15. Terms & Conditions here.