the haunteddream theaterola englundjohn petrucciriff notes
20:00 Sunday, 5 March 2023

The Haunted guitarist Ola Englund has shared a new gear video. Check it out below.
Englund: "Trying out the stuff that John Petrucci (Dream Theater) uses live for his rhythm tone. The Mark JP2C, The Erniball JP15, the sE VR2 microphone etc... Good times!"
Englund recently invited Petrucci for another chat on Coffee With Ola, but unlike their 2020 meeting which was done via Skype, this time they met in person. Check out the chat below.
They discuss re-using old song ideas, videogame scores, practice routines, how to not repeat yourself, Guitar Universe, live gear and more.
Englund also shared a video of himself learning how to play the guitar solo from Dream Theater's "Another Day". The song is taken from the band's breakthrough album, Images And Words.