kissdavid ellefsonheavy metal
16:00 Sunday, 5 March 2023

Kings Of Thrash / former Megadeth bassist David Ellefson recenhtly guested on I Ask No One With Kevin Re LoVullo, and the complete interview can be viewed below. Topics of discussion include Pink Floyd, Paul Stanley and KISS, KK Downing, Metallica and more.
Ellefson: "I love KISS, but Paul Stanbley - I love his book - to me is a real artist and rock star, all that stuff. That's the beauty of KISS: each guy has theitr own place and their own charisma. I always thought that was very clever. They kinda taúght my generation how rock bands should be; that every person in the group has what they do."
KISS recently announced the absolute final shows of their final tour, The End Of The Road Tour, on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show. The band also performed their classics, "Detroit Rock City", "Shout It Out Loud", and "Rock And Roll All Nite". Video footage, courtesy of SiriusXM/The Howard Stern Show, can be viewed below: