21:15 Thursday, 23 February 2023

Maryland Deathfest is coming back in 2024 with an absolutely massive lineup. The 2024 edition now includes Cryptopsy celebrating their Blasphemy Made Flesh album, Gorguts playing some of their earlier material, and more. The new additions are:
- Beheaded
- Cryptopsy (Blasphemy Made Flesh 30th anniversary set)
- Derkéta
- Goat Torment
- Gorguts
- Haemorrhage
- Imperialist
- Incinerate
- Intestinal Disgorge
- Noisy Neighbors
- Sissy Spacek
- Triac
- Vermin Womb
"Around 80% of the 4-day passes have already been sold since earlier this month," said festival organizers. "Clarification about a couple of special sets being performed at MDF 2024:
"Cryptopsy – In celebration of 30 years since the release of Blasphemy Made Flesh, the band will be performing the album in its entirety, exclusively at MDF 2024.
"Gorguts – The set will be a mix of material and not a specific album, but the set will still include songs from the first 2 albums, Considered Dead & The Erosion of Sanity, and those songs will be deep cuts that haven't been performed live in over 15 years.
"Skinless – They'll be performing only material from their first 2 albums, Progression Towards Evil & Foreshadowing Our Demise.
"We'll be announcing another 12 bands or so sometime in March. After that, we will hit the pause button on additional announcements until late spring/early summer, as more time is needed to know if some of the last bands on our radar can play next year."
Maryland Deathfest will take place in Baltimore, MD between May 23 and 26. Tickets are available here, and will feature the following bands outside the new additions:
- 1349
- Abbath
- Apartment 213
- Archagathus
- Archgoat
- Arcturus
- At War
- Aura Noir
- Avulsed
- Bloodbath
- Blue Holocaust
- Bölzer
- Brodequin
- Broken Hope
- Carpathian Forest
- Cenotaph
- Coffins
- Daeva
- Deathhammer
- Defeated Sanity
- Defleshed
- Depulsed
- Extortion
- Fossilization
- Grave
- Grave Miasma
- Impure
- Inhume
- Internal Suffering
- Kurnugia
- Mortuary Drape
- Necessary Death
- Noctem
- Organ Failure
- Primordial
- Ripper
- Sacrifice
- Severe Torture
- Siege Column
- Sinmara
- Skinless
- Spectral Wound
- Stabbing
- Tankard
- Vomi Noir
- Vomitory
- Yacøpsæ
- Yellow Eyes