Avenged Sevenfold singer M. Shadows has shared four reasons why everyone needs to be paying attention to what Falling in Reverse's Ronnie Radke has been doing lately, mired in controversy amid a steady rollout of massive new singles.
Radke is no stranger to controversy and often finds himself either leaning into it to fan the flames or starting it himself. Last year, the frontman faced criticism from radio host Eddie Trunk and former Skid Row singer Sebastian Bach after Falling in Reverse had to back out of a festival performance because their laptops went missing.
Despite Falling in Reverse being a band that merges outside influences with heavy music, often utilizing beats and other elements not traditionally found in a rigid understanding of rock/metal, Trunk and Bach lamented the reliance on computers and backing tracks to execute a live show.
It was a saga that carried on for far longer than most ever anticipated and Radke breathed new life into it with the release of the music video for the new Falling in Reverse song "Watch the World Burn." In the video, laptops rain down from the sky, landing on a Sebastian Bach look-alike.
And before this video, Radke reignited beef with Attila's Chris Fronzak on the ShipRocked festival cruise, resulting in the two releasing back and forth response videos.
On the surface, it has the appearance of controversy for controversy's sake, but that's not at all how Shadows views it. The singer is one of the most candid rockers, openly tweeting about the nuances of mixing and mastering and a lot of insider information when it comes to the streaming age and other necessary elements of the industry bands must participate it in order to reach desired levels of success.
Yesterday (Feb. 1), Shadows urged everyone to pay attention what Radke is doing, whether you "love or hate him."
Attaching a checkmark emoji next to his points in a tweet, Shadows noted the areas off success Radke has concentrated on. He has focused on releasing several singles since issuing Falling in Reverse's fourth album Coming Home back in 2017. "Everything feels thought out and important," says Shadows of Radke's calculated moves while also acknowledging that the fan base is well-engaged and that "old heads hate it."
When music fans of elder generations have a bone to pick with the popular new music of the modern day, it's generally a good sign that a band is onto something.
Seeing this tweet, Radke re-shared it and said to Shadows, "Thank you for saying this. This means so much coming from you."
Shadows isn't the only person to take not of these tactics. YouTuber Frank The Tech weighed in on one of Loudwire's Instagram posts (about the reignited beef between Radke and Fronz). "Whether they're being serious or not, genius marketing, because today that's all people are talking about."
The Falling in Reverse frontman replied, inferring that many of the negative comments about him are from user accounts that are set to private. He also took stock of how many comments were made on the post at the time (229) and that the rock and metal news media, Loudwire in particular, had been reliably covering his band and other related topics.
Ronnie Radke, Falling in Reverse
Instagram @loudwireKeep your eyes peeled for what Falling in Reverse do next.