18:29 Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Glenn Danzig will hit the stage at the Historic Montalban Theatre in Hollywood, CA on February 10 for a set of all-Elvis covers. So if you've been looking for something to do around Valentine's Day for that special someone, here's your solution! Tickets are available here.
The show follows Danzig's 2020 album Danzig Sings Elvis, which featured 14 tracks of the classic metal singer crooning his way through Elvis classics like "Always On My Mind" and "Is It So Strange."
A one-off show like the Elvis covers one next month tracks with Danzig's 2022 comments about retiring from touring. "I don't think I'm going to tour anymore," said Danzig at the time. "I'm just going to fly out to a show here or there. I'll maybe be down to do some one-offs. But I just don't see myself getting on a tour bus anymore … Yeah. I think I'm done."
In the same interview, also touched on the possibility of new music in the future. He said he wasn't really interested in doing a record at the time, but mentioned that his opinion could very well change. Outside Danzig Sings Elvis in 2020, the final Danzig album of original material we've gotten was Black Laden Crown in 2017.
"I write songs here and there. Lately, I seem to be writing more soundtrack stuff. I don't know that I'm ever going to do another album again. I might do an EP or I might just record some songs and put them out for free on the internet. We'll see. It could be that right now I'm just not interested, and then a month from now I'll be in the studio. It depends. I've got to be excited about working in order to go do it. And right now I'm not that excited."