17:45 Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Looks like the wait time for new Down is only getting longer now that Phil Anselmo is back in Pantera. In an interview with the BREWtally Speaking Podcast, Down guitarist Pepper Keenan (Corrosion Of Conformity) said Down is on the backburner at the moment, but seems pretty supportive of Anselmo getting back out there with Pantera.
"I know the Pantera crew, I know everybody like the back of my hand, and Phil sings in Down," said Keenan. "On a selfish note, is it going to put Down on the backburner for a year or two? Yeah. Sure. Did they need to get this off their chests and get it out there? Yes. The kids need to hear this? Yes."
Down is currently Keenan and Anselmo alongside drummer Jimmy Bower (Eyehategod), guitarist and vocalist Kirk Windstein (Crowbar), and bassist Patrick Bruders (Saint Vitus). Down has been plotting a covers EP over the past few years, but has not released anything since their Down IV – Part II EP in 2014.
In a 2022 interview, Windstein said the group hadn't landed on what songs they wanted to cover and was instead concentrating on their live shows. Windstein also addressed the possibility of new original material, saying he's sure Down will eventually get around to it.
"[New original material is] another thing that needs to be discussed at some point. I'm sure that we'll get around to it. We're not getting any younger and it's something that we enjoy, and I think that the fans would love it as well. So, I'm sure at some point we'll get around to it."
"What's been happening is Down is kind of now as it started, which was a side project… We love doing it and it's a ton of fun and we love it—we love the band, it's an amazing band—but everybody's back to doing their other bands. Pepper's doing C.O.C. full-time, Jimmy's doing Eyehategod, I'm doing Crowbar, Phil's [Anselmo, vocals] got a lot on his hands and a lot of projects, as he always did and always will."