midnite cityhard rock
10:00 Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Midnite City frontman Rob Wylde recebntly guested on the 80's Glam Metalcast's Hair Metal Deep Tracks and revealed what the band has in store for 2023. Check out the interview below.
On the new Midnite City album
Wylde: "We are currently working on our fourth album. We are quite a way through it, probably about 80% done. The plan is to have the album finished by the end of this month. Mix in February, hand it to the label in March, and it will come out in June. We’ve got a UK tour booked to coincide with the albums release. We have some festivals in Europe lined up and some plans to visit some other countries as well. I think the material is a lot closer to what we were doing on our first 2 albums. The last album we did was a little heavier, a little darker in some places. This new album is going back to that fun, melodic pop metal stuff that we are known for. We’re still working on a title, but I have some ideas. I’m sure the other guys do as well. We’ll have to come up with something pretty quick! We’ll be announcing all that stuff soon."
On his exit from Tigertailz
Wylde: "I left the band in May of 2021. I’m not a believer in airing your dirty laundry in public. The one thing I will say is I left the band, I wasn’t fired. They are kinda making sound like I was fired. It had been something I had been thinking about doing for quite awhile before I actually did it. It wasn’t a snap decision. I loved singing the songs and doing the shows and all that, but all the stuff that was going on behind the scenes - that was the stuff I couldn’t deal with anymore. I was pretty happy to get out of it. It was just time for me to go, but I guess it was good while it lasted."
Midnite City released their third album, Itch You Can’t Scratch, in May 2021. They released twi singles, "Atomic" and "Crawlin' In The Dirt".
"Crawlin' In The Dirt".
(Photo - Rob Billingham)