Cattle Decapitation are on their way back with a new album titled Terrasite, but the announcement of the record comes a little earlier than expected after the group's proposed rollout was spoiled by a Reddit leak.
Speaking via their Facebook page (as viewed below), the group revealed, "Recently we posted that we would be revealing all details to the new album next month. Unfortunately, somebody leaked everything onto Reddit a couple days ago and the user has been doing the same to other bands for a while now."
As a result, the band writes, "We have decided to release the announcement that we were going to do for our new album, Terrasite, as it has been an idea that was 8 years in the making, and will most likely require an explanation for proper absorption."
That said, the band delves into that title, defining "Terrasite" as a noun of both Greek (terra is Latin for Earth) and Greek dissent (sitos is Greek for food). The actual definition is either 1. a devourer or destroyer of land or earth or 2. Post-Anthropocene humanity.
Vocalist Travis Ryan digs even deeper, explaining, “We've all heard the old saying about how the cockroach is so pervasive... so invasive... so insidious... that they could survive a nuclear war... Our previous album, Death Atlas, left the world blackened and lifeless.. or so we thought. It turns out that the carbon-encrusted bodies that adorned the album's layout and music video (and that resemble the victims of Pompeii that were frozen in time by the Mt. Vesuvius disaster of 79 A.D.) were actually more of a cocoon stage for something much more vicious to come: Humanity 2.0."
He adds, “On the cover we see the terrasite, aka ‘earth-eater,’ molting from its ootheca. Having lived the tortuous existence of being a human, they have now re-emerged into a new world... saddened... confused... PISSED; rebirthed as a new variant of human disease, now adapted to continue and finish the utter ravaging of its home planet, Earth.”
The band also revealed that they've dedicated the album to the memory of Gabe Serbian, the drummer, guitarist and vocalist for The Locust who died last year at the age of 44.
The artwork and track listing for the new album can be viewed below and the band has announced a May 12 street date for the record through Metal Blade Records. The album was produced by Dave Otero with artwork by Wes Benscoter.
As for their future plans, the band adds with a sense of annoyance, "The first single off of the album will be released next month. That is, if some idiot doesn't leak it first," then commenting, "The human is an animal you should never trust.”
Cattle Decapitation, Terrasite Artwork + Track Listing
Cattle Decapitation, terrasite album
Metal Blade1. Terrasitic Adaptation
2. We Eat Our Young
3. Scourge of the Offspring
4. The Insignificants
5. The Storm Upstairs
6. …And the World Will Go On Without You
7. A Photic Doom
8. Dead End Residents
9. Solastalgia
10. Just Another Body