rammsteintill lindemann
18:06 Wednesday, 4 January 2023

A statue of Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann has reportedly been stolen in Germany. The statue was placed in the city of Rostock, near the Evershagen neighborhood where the singer grew up, in honor of his 60th birthday.
German publication NDR shared the news earlier today (Jan. 4), noting that the Rostock police received a report that the statue had been stolen around 10AM, and they're currently trying to find witnesses who may have seen the theft take place [translated via Google Translate]. The statue was designed by an artist named Roxxy, and it hadn't even been up for 24 hours before it was taken. Tips can be sent directly to the Rostock police station, or through their website.
See a photo below of the site where the statue had previously been erected, and the broken lock that remains from it.
As pointed out by another user on Reddit, another statue created by the same artist had been stolen in the city of Rostock in July of 2019. The sculpture was placed in honor of Rostock-born rapper Marteria, and according to Nordkurier, it had been broken off and taken two days later — only the feet of the statue remained [via Google Translate]. At the time, the city denied any involvement with both the installation of the statue, as well as its disappearance. Fans left flowers on the remains of the statue following its demolition.
Someone in Rostock has a vendetta against statues.
Statue of Rammstein singer stolen
dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images