hard rockclint lowerysevendust
20:00 Friday, 23 December 2022

Sevendust guitarist, Clint Lowery, has announced an early February release for his new solo EP, entitled Ghostwriter. He also revealed the EPs cover art (see below).
Earlier this month, Lowery issued the following update regarding the EP:
"Around a week or so go I completed recording an EP of 5 songs. Most of which was recorded in my basement and a make shift vocal booth. This is the first time I’ve attempted to track most everything myself and was an amazing experience and challenge to say the least.
As for details on release, I plan on releasing it Feb 3 2023. I haven’t released any music since early 2020 and want to start releasing songs regularly. I’m at a place where I feel like it doesn’t make sense to just sit on ideas. I cherish the process of writing and have written over 100 ideas over last few years.
Our new 7dust record will also be dropping in 2023 which is another reason I wanted to release something sooner than later. I’m excited about the songs for this EP and proud that I was able to do it mainly myself. My friend Rich Wicander is currently mixing it for me.
I’ll release more details soon. After this I plan on releasing another EP in the fall. Also concentrating on writing for other artist, collaborating with writers and supporting the new 7d.
Lastly, help me support this humble little project of mine by sharing music, if it moves you in anyway. If you’re reading this I appreciate you being here and supporting any and all I’ve released."