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12:00 Friday, 23 December 2022

Back in October guitarist Nita Strauss, who recently left Alice Cooper's band to join Demi Lovato, released a new single and video, "The Wolf You Feed", featuring Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz.
DragonForce guutarist Herman Li, who is a big supporter of Strauss and her work, has shared a video reacting to the song. Check it out below.
Back in August, Li weighed in on Strauss leaving Alice Cooper's band, which many fans believe is a risky move.
Li: "I think this is a huge step forward for her, and she gotta prove it - and I think she's gonna prove it, and everyone will shut up later. But understand this also; she's already proven herself, she's been in the Alice Cooper band for 8 years. And let's be serious... it's much tougher for women to be in this industry. Much tougher. You've got to take that chance when you get it.
So, for all those people out there not understanding this, I'm giving it to you in as much as I understand it; this music world is tough. Since you've done the Alice Cooper gig, everyone knows who you are. Now let's go out there on new ground, and see if you can inspire more people out there to play the guitar. I think it's a daring move. Let's see what happens."