heavy metalhatesphere
20:00 Tuesday, 20 December 2022

HateSphere have issued the following update on the recordings for the band's forthcoming new album:
"We're currently wrapping up the recordings of our new album at the Antfarm Studios with long time friend and producer, Tue Madsen (Sick Of It All, Dark Tranquillity, The Haunted, Heaven Shall Burn, Aborted). The album shows the first output from our new vocalist, Mathias Uldall, who joined us early 2022. The songs kick ass like never before, and we can't wait to share some with you very, very soon!"
The band add: "We have been confirmed for Odense Metal Fest 2023, October 20-21 2023 - check out their webpage here. More tour news to be announced very shortly!"

(Photo - Julia Nikiforova, JN Lightning Photography)